exfoliating body polish
regardless of how much moisturizer we use, if we are applying it to dead skin cells, we will not be able to enjoy the nourishing ingredients of butters and oils. scrub your skin gently with natural exfoliants once or twice a week, moisturize and enjoy a baby soft skin.
if you prefer made freshly for you, please click here.
makes approximately 5.5 oz
½ cup sugar (any type of sugar you have on hand works)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1 tablespoon aloe vera
1 pinch clay powder (any mineral clay works)
10-20 drops essential oil
1 air tight jar
1 medium size bowl
1 small whisk or small spoon
1. start by adding all base ingredients to your bowl, then mix well until you get a paste-like mix and oils and aloe vera are fully absorbed.
2. if adding optional ingredients, start with the clay, mix well, then add essential oils and whisk until fully incorporated.
4. transfer your freshly made body polish into a clean container and label. store in a dry and cool place for up to 6 - 12 months.
5. enjoy!